
订婚了 voices feature key initiatives in the region to educate community members about the developments underway in our region. 对于本月的专题, we talked with Citrus Heights Economic Development and Community Engagement Director, 梅根·休伯, about the 柑橘高地街区派对拖车. 继续往下读,了解更多.

Please provide a high-level overview of the project.

Citrus Heights创造了 社区街区派对拖车 program as a tool to address our community’s desire to connect after the distance caused by the pandemic. The Block Party Trailer is a resource for residents, neighborhood associations and community organizations to encourage community connection and engagement.

The trailer has everything a group needs to host a community event, 包括表, 椅子, 冷却器, 音响系统, 垃圾容器, 草地游戏及更多. This community amenity is available for reservation on a first-come, first-served basis and so far has been in attendance at National Night Out, a neighborhood area movie night and a sock hop, 还有更多的事情要发生. 柑橘高地市 staff will even drop off and pick up the trailer to make the process seamless.

The 社区街区派对拖车 helps our community come together and meets them where they are, 就在他们的大门外, so they can build connections and get to know their neighbors. This initiative is helping make Citrus Heights a more welcoming and safer place for everyone.


How is this project promoting partnership and inclusion within the Greater Sacramento region?

The 社区街区派对拖车 is building relationships throughout Citrus Heights and our neighboring areas by bringing people together at the grassroots level. Grassroots neighborhood engagement not only creates connection, but it’s also proven to prevent crime and increase civic engagement, resulting in a safer and more inclusive community.

The Block Party Trailer is also utilized at City-hosted events, like City Scoop or our Public Works Showcase, where we collaborate with local and regional partners to provide information, 资源和社区参与. The Block Party Trailer also contributed to regional workforce development efforts at the Citrus Heights Public Works Showcase where regional partners, 像SacRT, SMUD and Cal American Water raise visibility and awareness of public works careers. Our 社区街区派对拖车 is crucial in making these events a success!


What is your long-term vision for this project? How do you imagine it will evolve over time?

The 柑橘高地市 has a strategic goal to “Enhance community vibrancy and engagement” and the 社区街区派对拖车 is a Swiss army knife tool in the community engagement toolbox. 它节省了我们居民的时间, money and hassle while helping any type of neighborhood event come to life: block parties, 电影之夜, 自愿打扫卫生等等.  The City’s hope for the 社区街区派对拖车 is that it inspires residents to get to know each other and the program is fully utilized at neighborhood events throughout the year. More resident connections will strengthen Citrus Heights neighborhood areas and achieve our shared goal of creating a more vibrant and engaged community.


Is there anything you’d like the community to know about this project, or any ways they can get involved or support its success?

The 社区街区派对拖车 is available to all Citrus Heights residents who would like to host a public event in our community. If you’re interested in reserving the trailer or learning more about it, you can visit citrusheights.net/blockparty. If you are not a resident of Citrus Heights and would like to hear about community events where the Block Party Trailer is headed next, we recommend following us on 脸谱网 and Instagram @cityofcitrusheights.





订婚了 voices feature key initiatives in the region to educate community members about the developments and critical work underway in our region. 对于本月的专题, we talked with El Dorado County’s Deputy Director, 官方十大网投网址及行政, 凯尔Zimbelman, 关于埃尔多拉多县的创业, an accelerator and incubator support program. 
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